Innovative Technology and Communications
Innovative Technology and Communication Services

Website Services
Web Site Development: Let IT&C Spin Your Web
A Web site designed by IT&C is sure to reflect your company's image and personality. IT&C develops Web sites that are easy to navigate, visually pleasing and quick to load via creative marketing techniques.

Web Maintenance: Cob "Web" Prevention
IT&C provides marketing expertise to draw Internet users to your site. And to drive repeat traffic, fresh information and new technologies will be added in an inviting format.

Domain Registration: What's in a Domain Name?
Let IT&C register your domain. IT&C will assist you in selecting a URL that will help position your presence on the Internet.

Service Provider: Getting the Most From Your Web Site Host
Based on your budget and Web site needs, IT&C will "connect" you with a provider that delivers top-of-the-line service.

Engineering Services
Product Development:
We have experience working with varied customers in the aerospace industry and all branches of the DOD. Our experience can be tapped to review current designs, assist in the proposal process and analyze qualification results.

Product Improvement
In the industry of ultra-high volume production, small changes can turn a problem product into a smooth running money-maker. We have proven changes in production designs to eliminate scrap during manufacture and led design teams to implement these improvements.

Interior Ballistics:
We are experts in the field of interior ballistics. We can assess your designs and proposals and provide you a robust design firmly grounded in the fundamentals of ballistics.





Innovative Technology and Communications